Today was Sunday. This really cute girl taught a lesson in RS. Every once in a while someone - somewhere will say something that will reach out to you and make you think a little more. That happened to me today. We were listing on the chalk board the things that cause trials, or adversity. We listed lots. I guess I have been worried and fearful about everything that is going on in the world just like everyone else. I keep reminding myself of what President Packer said. "Fear is the opposite of faith" I've kept saying that to myself, but sometimes it is hard to control fear. Well anyway --if anyone knows me well, they know that I read the last chapter of every book first. I then read the book to see how they got to the last chapter. When they have the results of American Idol, or So you think you can dance, or Dancing with the stars, or BYU plays on TV and I record it I go to the end and see the results then I watch it to see how they got to the ending. Back to the cute girl that was teaching RS. She reminded us that we are really lucky. Because of the gospel of Jesus Christ we know how this earth life will end and what will happen after. It just struck me, that I know the last chapter. Because I know the last chapter , I can go through the rest of the book without fear. I will have my trials and challenges like everyone else, but I know the end. I just have to go through with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
working hard because I know the promise of the last chapter.
9 years ago
That is true. We do know the end, but sometimes the middle isn't always the way you think it should be. That is whats hard.
I tagged you on my blog!
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