Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Recent events.  Mom turned 93 and at her birthday pulled her dentures out and along with her dentures the tooth that held her partial plate in.  It was sad and she had to have the roots removed.  She was brave, but was on a soft diet for a few days.  To top that off Afton is with us right now.  She has had a bladder infection and is 101 (what does that tell you)  It has been an eventual few weeks.  The big event for me is I finally graduated from BYU.  Here are the pictures.  What did I learn from all this.  Be patient and you can take a little lady to the bathroom 100 times in a day.  When your little mom starts to shake after the dentist, feed her a shake.  The sugar can work wonders.  And the third things is never think it is too late to accomplish a worthwhile goal. Go for it!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Today was Stratton's Sunday birthday.  He organized it completely.  He wanted breakfast for dinner, he wanted money and he left me a note that he wanted one 20 two tens and four fives.  He also wanted a Baskin Robbins ice cream stack with his candle on the top.  He was really cute.  It was fun, I knew exactly what he wanted and it made it easy.  What did I learn the last couple of days.  I am not as patient as I want to be and I need to work on it. The Grandma's sometimes try my patience.  I will write about that later (maybe) we are in swimming suits because they played water kick ball.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What has life taught me today?  Today was a rough day with Afton.  She had a lady come bath her she acted out all day.  It was a struggle because with mom because she is recovering from a tooth incident.  When she pulled her dentures out on Sunday she pulled a tooth out with them.  The roots of the tooth stayed in and the tooth was an anchor for her dentures.  She had to have the roots pulled and her dentures fixed.  It has just been a rough couple of days with her.  So what do I learn, Suck it up and get through the situations and be happy and positive.  It only makes it worse if you walk around feeling sorry for yourself.  I started to think my theme should be let it go.  Meaning do the best you can, work as hard as you can, and then forget about the little hard stuff in live. Let it Go and enjoy the fun and good in life, and have a sense of humor!

Fun with some of our kids at Stadium of Fire!