Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jessica tagged me again. I am supposed to write 10 things I have to have everyday. I don't know the difference between have and want. Most things we can live without for a day. Here goes. 1. Some contact with my kids (at least one) that makes me happy.
2. A coke. What can I say I am addicted.
3. A trip outside. I like to look at the sky, see the mountains, and thank Heavenly Father that I get to live in this Valley.
4. A soak in the tub or a shower, with a hair wash. I even like to wash my hair on the river in freezing cold water that gives me a headache. It is that important to me.
5. A smile. Only one person has to look at me and smile-it will make my day. I especially love smiles from my kids or grandkids.
6. Money--Just a little bit, but some in my pocket. I could live without it, but I do not want to! Even a $1 will do.
7. The paper. I have to read it first thing in the morning.
8. I have to see Dennis or talk to him on the phone.
9. Some food. I really like food.
10. In the summer I have to have a tomato everyday.
These things are temperal. There are spiritual things that are even more important to have every day in my life. They are there just for the asking and I never have to do without them.
11. Toothpaste and toothbrush. I have to brush my teeth the minute I wake up. (Even if it is 3:00 in the morning.

My Cute Grandkids

This picture is my birthday present from my kids. I have it early because I found Jessica's account number and had some extra copies printed up. I am getting a big one for my living room and I am so excited. These cute people bring so much joy into my life, I cannot describe it. Every Grandmother will know exactly what I am saying.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

8 things I'm Passionate about: (This is not in order of preference) 1. My kids 2. My Grand Kids 3. My beliefs 4. Good Food, Good Friends, Good Family all at the same time. 5. Living with purpose (working hard, serving others, playing 6. diet coke 7. taking care of my responsibilities 8. my job

8 phrases I use often:1. Oh my heck 2.Slow down 3. I'm poor 4. Pick that up or put it away 5.What are you getting for lunch. 6. Bring me a diet coke. 7. Is it your turn to drive or mine. 8.I don't care you choose.

8 things I want to do before I die. 1. Watch my Grandkids grow up. 2. See my children reach their goals. 3. Have enough money to go on a mission. 4. Be completely so good that I am not afraid to die. 4. Get to the point where I am always nice and don't ever loose my temper 5. Tell everyone in my family how much I love them. 6. Go on some wonderful trip with my whole family. 7. Enjoy all the moments I am in no matter what. 8. Have enough money to share with my kids.
8.Lessons learned in the past: 1.Your kids grow up really fast and then you get plenty of time to sleep- so yell less--overlook the little things--enjoy them more--hug them more--kiss them more--tell them you love them--don't loose your temper at them -time is just too short to waste. 2. Always work toward your goals-it is only too late if you think it is too late. 3. People are happier if they keep their life in balance. 4. Do your church callings to the best of your ability. 5. Try really hard in everything you do and then don't worry about it. 6. Stay out of debt the best you can. 7. Learn new things all the time. 8. People can change.

8 things I currently want/need:1. A smarter brain 2. A new job for Dennis 3. Enough money to help my kids more 4. More time 5. To be able to eat everything I want and still loose weight. Michael Phelps metabolism would be nice without all the swimming. 6. Trip to Disneyland for my birthday 7. My body to feel like I am 16 again. 8. Everyone around me to be happy.

8 TV shows that I like to watch:1. So You Think Can Dance 2. American Idol 3. Dancing with the stars 4. BYU sports (if it is on TV) 5. Any movie on the Hallmark Channel 6. Today Show 7. Saturday Night Live when they do the political stuff (other than that it is to gross for me.)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Today was Sunday. This really cute girl taught a lesson in RS. Every once in a while someone - somewhere will say something that will reach out to you and make you think a little more. That happened to me today. We were listing on the chalk board the things that cause trials, or adversity. We listed lots. I guess I have been worried and fearful about everything that is going on in the world just like everyone else. I keep reminding myself of what President Packer said. "Fear is the opposite of faith" I've kept saying that to myself, but sometimes it is hard to control fear. Well anyway --if anyone knows me well, they know that I read the last chapter of every book first. I then read the book to see how they got to the last chapter. When they have the results of American Idol, or So you think you can dance, or Dancing with the stars, or BYU plays on TV and I record it I go to the end and see the results then I watch it to see how they got to the ending. Back to the cute girl that was teaching RS. She reminded us that we are really lucky. Because of the gospel of Jesus Christ we know how this earth life will end and what will happen after. It just struck me, that I know the last chapter. Because I know the last chapter , I can go through the rest of the book without fear. I will have my trials and challenges like everyone else, but I know the end. I just have to go through with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
working hard because I know the promise of the last chapter.
I hate Sundays when my kids don't come to dinner. I didn't have them come, because I was trying to keep my house clean for tomorrow. I am having some of the BYU Ward kids over for FHE. I didn't know if I could work, clean the house, and fix my refreshments, so I cut out the cleaning part and I am sorry. I have spend my day fixing the Halloween goodies for my grand kids, finishing my BYU class (yes it is already to mail off tomorrow) going to church, eating stuff that is bad for me, and now writing on my blog. It is so quiet in this house right now. I am really a people person. I always like to be around people. Quiet is nice for a while, but then I like a little bit of commotion to spice up the day. I guess I am a commotion person.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Did I tell the world yet what great kids I have? They are all really good people ( no thanks to their mother) They are fun to be with. They are all really good parents. It makes me happy everyday because they do such a good job of parenting.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This is a poem I like. It is by Shel Silverstein

"Barnabur Browning
Was scared of drowning
So he never would swim
Or get in a boat
Or take a bath
Or cross a moat
He just sat day and night
With his door locked tight
And the windows nailed down,
Shaking with fear
That a wave might appear,
And cried so many tears
That he filled up the room
And he drowned.

I like it because it reminds us to face our fears. If we let fear rule we are never happy. I try to to that--I try to face my big fears and not let them rule my life. There are some little fears like bees and spiders that I have not quite got rid of -in fact I have not got rid of them at all! Why are we more courageous about facing the big stuff than the little stuff? Maybe because the little stuff doesn't matter as much.
This is my first post. Jess so kindly made this blog for me. My favorite thing to do is be with my family. I love to cook Sunday dinner and have everyone over. Yes, it is messy, and it is a lot of work, and I get mad sometimes, but I hate the Sundays I am not cooking dinner. I love to go to Disneyland with any of our kids and Grandkids. I don't even want to ever go without them.

I love my job. It probably is one of the best in the world. It might not pay the best-but I am happy everyday to go to work. I work with the best people in the world.

I have 8 kids. Four birth kids and four that came to me when my kids got married. I have 11 Grandkids. They are amazing and cute.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Susan's new blog.

I made this blog for my Mom. Hopefully she will use it. I made it in the Enrichment class I had to teach about Blogging. It turned out better then I thought it would, and the lady's seemed like they enjoyed it. Even though it was a big pain, now my Mom has a blog!-JS

P.S. this is the only picture of me and my mom I have on this computer.