8 things I'm Passionate about: (This is not in order of preference) 1. My kids 2. My Grand Kids 3. My beliefs 4. Good Food, Good Friends, Good Family all at the same time. 5. Living with purpose (working hard, serving others, playing 6. diet coke 7. taking care of my responsibilities 8. my job
8 phrases I use often:1. Oh my heck 2.Slow down 3. I'm poor 4. Pick that up or put it away 5.What are you getting for lunch. 6. Bring me a diet coke. 7. Is it your turn to drive or mine. 8.I don't care you choose.
8 things I want to do before I die. 1. Watch my Grandkids grow up. 2. See my children reach their goals. 3. Have enough money to go on a mission. 4. Be completely so good that I am not afraid to die. 4. Get to the point where I am always nice and don't ever loose my temper 5. Tell everyone in my family how much I love them. 6. Go on some wonderful trip with my whole family. 7. Enjoy all the moments I am in no matter what. 8. Have enough money to share with my kids.
8.Lessons learned in the past: 1.Your kids grow up really fast and then you get plenty of time to sleep- so yell less--overlook the little things--enjoy them more--hug them more--kiss them more--tell them you love them--don't loose your temper at them -time is just too short to waste. 2. Always work toward your goals-it is only too late if you think it is too late. 3. People are happier if they keep their life in balance. 4. Do your church callings to the best of your ability. 5. Try really hard in everything you do and then don't worry about it. 6. Stay out of debt the best you can. 7. Learn new things all the time. 8. People can change.
8 things I currently want/need:1. A smarter brain 2. A new job for Dennis 3. Enough money to help my kids more 4. More time 5. To be able to eat everything I want and still loose weight. Michael Phelps metabolism would be nice without all the swimming. 6. Trip to Disneyland for my birthday 7. My body to feel like I am 16 again. 8. Everyone around me to be happy.
8 TV shows that I like to watch:1. So You Think Can Dance 2. American Idol 3. Dancing with the stars 4. BYU sports (if it is on TV) 5. Any movie on the Hallmark Channel 6. Today Show 7. Saturday Night Live when they do the political stuff (other than that it is to gross for me.)
9 years ago
I loved your post. I tell myself to enjoy my kids more, but I can't seem to help the yelling thing, and also the little things thing. I heard somewhere if you sweat the little things, you wont sweat the big things. I don't know if that is true, but it makes me feel better.
I loved this post and I hope I can follow your advice although its hard when you aren't sleeping to see the end of the tunnel of when you will be sleeping again. I love you you are the best
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