OK-My cute Jessica tagged me again. I am supposed to say six things you might not know about me. It is sad because everyone knows everything about me-because I tell all. (Unless Dennis has forbidden me to talk about it and my life is threatened by him)
1. I am painfully shy. Most people do not believe this, but it is true. I just force myself to do the things that make me uncomfortable. 2. I might complain about working too hard, but I like to work. I work or exercise to relieve stress or anger. If you see me working really really hard, I am usually really angry. 3. I like to sleep a lot, but only at night. I really like to get up early in the morning. I do not like to lose a minute of day light. I like all the blinds open. I do not like dark at all. 4. I am scared of the dark. I have night terrors. Mostly I think spiders getting on me. 5. I do not like board games because I am not very competitive when it comes to games. 6. I am really competitive when I am taking a school class and it comes to grades. It is kind of crazy but every test is a competition. 7. BYU basketball makes me bight my fingernails.
9 years ago