Taking care of aging mothers is stressful sometimes. Every few months I have both mothers. Afton (mother in law) is 100 and has had mini strokes. She has dementia that came on really fast and really bad. She has become very demanding. My Mom also has dementia, and is almost wheel chair bound. She had a cancer on her leg removed a few weeks ago and a bed sore-cancer ended in a 4 hour surgery and the bed sore after going on for a few months being treated at the wound center. To top it off Steven has not taken his medicine and has been really out of it. . We are in our busy season at work and running a rafting company can be really stressful. Also I hurt my knee and sometimes I have been up a lot at night in pain -so add not enough sleep to that. I had had it and I was discouraged. I just didn't know if I could have enough energy to do it all. Then yesterday Steven walked in with some flowers from the garden. He handed them to me and said here, Dad planted these. My father has been dead for 14 almost 15 years. It is crazy, but it felt like I was receiving a bouquet from my father. Saying it is ok, you are doing ok, I love you. Here are the flowers. I love the flowers and I loved my father!