THE GRANDMAS: The last year of my life has been pretty wrapped up with taking care of our two mothers. Afton Harding is 99 1/2 and mom is now 91. It has been a crazy year. Both now have some dementia and Afton fell and broke her knee cap. Mom has the more serious dementia, and Afton is just starting to loose her short term memory. She is here and it is crazy. Here is pictures of them both.The top picture is Afton.The bottom picture is mom taken last week
The top picture is Afton. This is right before we took her to the dr. to check her knee. I can't even express what my life is like right now. Some days getting them both dressed, some nights getting them ready for bed, fixing and feeding mom breakfast everyday and trying with all my might to get Afton to eat. In the middle of it all I have been trying to keep Tour West responsibilities humming along, tending grand kids sometimes, Sunday Dinners, working out, finishing the class I am taking and it is pretty crazy Would I choose to have it any other way right now. No. Would I like more free time yes. What am I grateful for. My family, that my health has been really good and I have been able to take care of these cute ladies, my job, the good year Tour West has had, my home that is big enough to have two grandma's stay at the same time, my grand kids that come visit and make me happy, my kids that are all amazing (this includes my kids-in-law,) the teachings I have, being blessed with energy,the gospels, the help I receive all the time from a loving Heavenly Father--I could go on and on.
9 years ago