This is the picture of our family river trip. I don't know what to say about it, but that it was a taste of Heaven for me. I had all of my kids but one family and all of my grandkids but one. I did get C.B. who represented Jesse's family really well. How can I describe it. Beautiful days, lots of family and love, good food, time to talk, time to soak in the beauty of our world,talks at night in the tent with Coleman, Hailey's delightful laugh and scream, hugs from Addy and Emmi, help from Jerimiah and Joseph, Kiya and Elizy water fights, ,Strattys shy cute smile, Savannahs pure delight and lack of fear, water fights, stars at night so beautiful I couldn't bear to close my tired eyes, no electronics, no phones, no news, time to think!Can you tell it was one of y favorite vacations ever!
9 years ago