Good Housekeeping's editor taught me two new words that made me think. They are Greek words. One is chronos. Chronos is the minutes, hours, days--the stop watch most of us live by. The other word is kairos. Kairos is the event-centered, memorable time, the moments that seem to stand still when you are fully experiencing life. Most of the time in my life is chronos. But some of the time is kairos. I started to think of the event-centered, memorable times I have had. They are time that you remember in sharp clear detail. Some of my kairos times are the following:
1. The four times that I held my beautiful children in my arms for the first time. I remember everything in vivid detail and how I loved them. I remember how they smelled. I remember their hair, their hands, their spirit. I remember the room, my feeling of excitement and euphoria.
2. The time that I kneeled at the alter with my husband and watched my two beautiful sons dressed in white brought into the room.
3. The river trip with four of my grandchildren, two of my sons, my daughter in law crowded on a boat. The beautiful river, the white beaches, dragon flies landing on our finger tips, the girls screaming in excitement with each rapid we would hit.
4. The first time each of my children went to the temple as young adults. They were so beautiful in white.
5. The day i fell in love with my husband. We were on a picnic on a spot of grass in the middle of a little stream.
6. The day riding down the street Jeremy told me he wanted to go on a mission.
7. The day Jessica told me she met the cutest boy ever!
8. The day Jason was confirmed and walked up from the back of the room in the old Vermont Chapel and bore his testimony.(even thought he had not heard the testimony of his parents.)
9. Jessica's and Pauls wedding day.
10. Josh and Wendy's wedding day.
11. Jerimiah's birthday. (first grandchild)
12. Every grandchilds birthday.
13. The day Jeremy told me he had met a girl named Trixy.
14. The day Jason and Rebecca finally told me they were pregnant.
15. The Christmas my parents gave me a pogo stick.
16. The day I caught the biggest fish ever on the Beckler River in Yellowstone with my Father. He was so excited because he knew I had hooked a huge fish and he stood by and let me bring it in (being a afraid the whole time I would loose it).
17. The day I hiked into the Grand Canyon and took off my shoes and found out I had lost three toe nails, but new it was worth it because It was such an adventure.
I could go on and on, but the point is I want to make sure I have kairos time in my life!!!
9 years ago