Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12, 2009 Easter Morning:

This is my last post about Grandpa Harding our Fred. He passed away early on Easter morning. He was very peaceful. He would have turned 98 on Tuesday April 14. He was a wonderful man. He told Arlene that he was a happy man, had a happy life, and to tell everyone not to cry when he passed away. He was also a lucky man, because he was cared and loved by the best women in the world for over 75 years. He lived a simple life. He cherished his wife and family.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today was a great day as we celebrated Easter with out extended family. The kids are so cute and happy. It was also an unbelievable hard day. Grandpa Harding is getting closer to dying. He breathing is so hard. They have to give him morphine to ease the pain of breathing. It is just really hard to watch. I am so worried about Grandma Harding. She keeps insisting on staying alone with him at night. I do not want her to be alone when he dies, but maybe she really needs the time to be alone and to say goodby in her own way without anyone else there. I guess I will just tell her that Dennis and I can be there in a minute and to call us when she is ready and we will be there. I believe the spirit stays close to their body for a while. Whatever she says or does when he passes away he will know. He will know of her amazing devotion and love for him. He will know what a lucky man he was to have a wife that took such good care of him and loved him so much for over 75 years of their earth life and who will love him for eternity.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ok, so I will finish my post. I am unbelievably sad. Not just a little bit, but deep down inside of my self sad. I am thankful that I believe in eternal life, but saying good by to someone you love is still hard. I don't like to say good by- I like to say hello! I decided I don't like to watch people suffer. I love this life and when Grandma Harding looked at me sadly and asked me where the time went, I just didn't know how to answer. Our time here is precious and it does go fast. I know deep down we know that this Earth is going to be our eternal home and we love it. Here it is Easter and I keep thinking about the Resurrection and what a joyful celebration that will be! I am thankful to Jesus Christ our Savior, his gift is beyond comprehension.
Friday April 10th, 2009.

Grandpa is still holding on. He has been without food for three weeks, and water for three days. He cannot swallow. Even a little bit of moisture chokes him. I just sat with Grandma for a while. The amazing thing about life is we always have hope. It is cute. She told me that maybe he will live for 20 days. She said where did the time go? Every moment with him, to her, is a precious moment. They are an example of love that is eternal. Beautiful example of the kind of kindness and compassion we should show each other.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Well here it is April 9th, 2009. Grandpa Harding grows weaker by the day. They decided not to put a feeding tube in. His bladder cancer is out of control and his kidney doesn't make enough red blood cells. They unhooked all his IV's and he is now in hospice. It is heart breaking to watch someone's earthly body slowly die. I wanted him and Grandma to come here. I told them. I tried to talk everyone into it. I couldn't. Grandma will not leave him. She is so cute and sweet and it is even harder to watch her go through this. I keep telling her she will stay goodby for just a moment in time. Even five years is a moment in the eternal view.