9 years ago
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunbeam Class
Vickie and I taught the sunbeam class at church on Sunday. I had CS and Cb at church with me and CS is 3 so I went in to help Vickie. It was fun and they are so funny and cute. Vickie and I spent the two hours just cracked up and touched by the sweetness and funny things they would say. First thing was in opening exercise. DB asked if any of the kids had a hard time holding still and thinking about Jesus in Sacrament meeting. The three year old classes hands immediately went up. They were all yelling me me me. I do I do. I was trying to not laugh, but it was funny. Then we went into class. We were doing the nativity and Vickie asked the kids what the babies name was. One of the kids yelled out Goo. Then she asked who's birthday we were celebrating. All the kids yelled Ginger (Ginger was a little girl in our ward that had her birthday this week.) It just went on and on. I was trying hard not to crack up the whole day. Vickie told Chandler that she loved her dress and asked her where she got it. She told her from a truck. JS had ordered on line and it had been delivered by a truck. Sometimes you forget how delightful three year olds are!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I love this time of year.
I love this time of year. Last night we went to the conference center for the LDS church's annual Christmas program. It was so wonderful. I couldn't believe an hour and half had passed, the program was amazing and I enjoyed it so much. I believe that the reason we love this time of years so much is because the focus is on Christ. It is on Christ in the music we hear, in our thoughts, in our actions, in the symbols of Christmas, in our family activities, and gifts we give. Remembering that the gifts of time and from the heart are the best gifts we can give.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I have not posted for ever. It is always a busy summer when the river is going and now Grandma Harding is living with us most of the time. And I forgot school for me too! I am learning all the stuff I should have know when I raised my kids. The sad thing is that it is hard to learn how to be a good mother when you are busy just being a mother!!! I am doing the program finish at home wht you didn't finish at BYU. I thought I would be the oldest person in the program, but there is a man that is 87. I want to meet him!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Today was a great day, but a funny day. I have wanted to take my Mom to the Mothers Day Brunch at Thanksgiving point for ever. I tried to get reservations last year, but they were all sold out. I called early this year and got reservations for Mom, Afton (my mother-in-law) and Jessica, Trixy, Wendy, and Rebecca. I was so excited. Wendy didn't get a baby sitter and Rebecca cancelled at the last minute. I woke up bright and early. I called Mom (she has completely lost her short term memory) at 9:30 to remind her and tell her to get ready. (our reservation was for 12:00.) I was walking past Afton's room (she is living with us since Fred Passed away) she said Susan is that you? I went in her room and she was so cute-trying to decide what to wear. She cannot see. She has a triple whammy. Macular degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts (probably all mis-spelled) I helped her pick out what she was going to wear and went to get ready. I told her to wear her most comfortable clothes, since she is 95 and entitled to do what she wants. She finally picked out her blue pants )they are way too big because she is really thin now, and a new shirt she got for Mothers Day. She looked really cute. I left at 10:30 to pick up Mom. I found her in bed because she had forgotten we were going (the short term memory thing) I finally got her up and dressed, hair combed, make-up on, and in the car. It was quite the accomplishment. Then I headed home to get Afton. I got her in the car. Seat belted and we were on our way. I was breathing a sigh of relief. It was now 11:30. It took me an hour to round up the Grandmas. I headed toward Jessica's home. Rebecca called and said she couldn't come. That was alright, because I was just making it. I picked up my cute Jessica and Trixy was on her way. We got to Thanksgiving Point. Jessica and I helped the Grandmas out of the car. We walked slowly with our two little ladies on our arms. When I say slowly I mean slowly. We got in the restaurant and Trixy got there and we were seated. Then we went into the Buffet. WOW. It cost $27.00 a person and it was worth every penny. You entered and there was first this huge relish area, followed by cheese and crackers ares, followed by fruit area, followed by breakfast granola and yogurt, followed by bacon, eggs Benedict, french toast, followed by prime rib and ham, followed by beef tips, salmon, shrimp, trout,followed by oodles of yummy salads (spinich, fruit, green, potato) this was followed by this huge bread area. It had all these breads. Oh did I mention the giant chocolate covered strawberries in the fruit area. Then in the middle of this there was this big desert table. More chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate dipped cakes, cheese cakes, bread pudding with caramel, little chocolate things with a raspberry on top, lemon bars, and who knows what else. It was amazing. I want to make it a Mothers day tradition. Dennis said do it. Just put 15 or 20 dollars away every month.
Sounds good to me!
Sounds good to me!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
April 12, 2009 Easter Morning:
This is my last post about Grandpa Harding our Fred. He passed away early on Easter morning. He was very peaceful. He would have turned 98 on Tuesday April 14. He was a wonderful man. He told Arlene that he was a happy man, had a happy life, and to tell everyone not to cry when he passed away. He was also a lucky man, because he was cared and loved by the best women in the world for over 75 years. He lived a simple life. He cherished his wife and family.
This is my last post about Grandpa Harding our Fred. He passed away early on Easter morning. He was very peaceful. He would have turned 98 on Tuesday April 14. He was a wonderful man. He told Arlene that he was a happy man, had a happy life, and to tell everyone not to cry when he passed away. He was also a lucky man, because he was cared and loved by the best women in the world for over 75 years. He lived a simple life. He cherished his wife and family.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Today was a great day as we celebrated Easter with out extended family. The kids are so cute and happy. It was also an unbelievable hard day. Grandpa Harding is getting closer to dying. He breathing is so hard. They have to give him morphine to ease the pain of breathing. It is just really hard to watch. I am so worried about Grandma Harding. She keeps insisting on staying alone with him at night. I do not want her to be alone when he dies, but maybe she really needs the time to be alone and to say goodby in her own way without anyone else there. I guess I will just tell her that Dennis and I can be there in a minute and to call us when she is ready and we will be there. I believe the spirit stays close to their body for a while. Whatever she says or does when he passes away he will know. He will know of her amazing devotion and love for him. He will know what a lucky man he was to have a wife that took such good care of him and loved him so much for over 75 years of their earth life and who will love him for eternity.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ok, so I will finish my post. I am unbelievably sad. Not just a little bit, but deep down inside of my self sad. I am thankful that I believe in eternal life, but saying good by to someone you love is still hard. I don't like to say good by- I like to say hello! I decided I don't like to watch people suffer. I love this life and when Grandma Harding looked at me sadly and asked me where the time went, I just didn't know how to answer. Our time here is precious and it does go fast. I know deep down we know that this Earth is going to be our eternal home and we love it. Here it is Easter and I keep thinking about the Resurrection and what a joyful celebration that will be! I am thankful to Jesus Christ our Savior, his gift is beyond comprehension.
Friday April 10th, 2009.
Grandpa is still holding on. He has been without food for three weeks, and water for three days. He cannot swallow. Even a little bit of moisture chokes him. I just sat with Grandma for a while. The amazing thing about life is we always have hope. It is cute. She told me that maybe he will live for 20 days. She said where did the time go? Every moment with him, to her, is a precious moment. They are an example of love that is eternal. Beautiful example of the kind of kindness and compassion we should show each other.
Grandpa is still holding on. He has been without food for three weeks, and water for three days. He cannot swallow. Even a little bit of moisture chokes him. I just sat with Grandma for a while. The amazing thing about life is we always have hope. It is cute. She told me that maybe he will live for 20 days. She said where did the time go? Every moment with him, to her, is a precious moment. They are an example of love that is eternal. Beautiful example of the kind of kindness and compassion we should show each other.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Well here it is April 9th, 2009. Grandpa Harding grows weaker by the day. They decided not to put a feeding tube in. His bladder cancer is out of control and his kidney doesn't make enough red blood cells. They unhooked all his IV's and he is now in hospice. It is heart breaking to watch someone's earthly body slowly die. I wanted him and Grandma to come here. I told them. I tried to talk everyone into it. I couldn't. Grandma will not leave him. She is so cute and sweet and it is even harder to watch her go through this. I keep telling her she will stay goodby for just a moment in time. Even five years is a moment in the eternal view.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I can blog about this because my blog is only open to my best friends and family. They are giving Grandpa a feeding tube today. They asked Grandma if they should. She said yes. Life is full of really difficult decisions. I often wonder if medical science hasn't gone so far that we extend suffering because we can? Or do we keep people alive because we cannot let them go for a while? Or if we choose to let them go, did we make a mistake when they could have gotten better? I guess time will tell and whatever time tell us in the end, we must always know that we just do the best we can in a time that is so hard we just get through it.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Today is another day sitting in the office. My Father-in-law is really sick. He turns 98 in April. He is a wonderful man. It is interesting watching my cute mother-in-law take care of him. She stays at the hospital night and day. Every once in a while we get her to come stay with us to catch up a little on her sleep. Watching her is a lesson in love and devotion. When we leave with her at night, she tells the nurses to take good care of him, because he is a wonderful man. She will kiss him on the forehead so tenderly. Her neck was sore last night because she had been bent over rubbing his feet to make him feel better. She is 95 and almost blind. I can't tell you how much I love them. I can hardly think of saying good by to them for a moment in time, but I really do not want Fred (My Father-in-law to suffer at all.) Live is always full of change.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I am sitting in the office on a Saturday waiting for the phone to ring. It is a really slow economy right now, so we are keeping the office open on Saturday. I have gone back to school and it is taking a lot of time. I guess when you only have 10 classes left to take you should finish, even if you are 60. I did find out I am not the oldest person in the BYU BGS program. There is a man that is 87. I would like to meet him someday. My cute mother in law and the Grandmother of my kids (whom I adore) will turn 95 on Thursday. We are having a little dinner party at our home. I will try to get some pictures and post them. I will write a little about this cute mother in law of mine in honor of her 95th birthday. In one simple word she is an angel with a little bit of fire in her. I have honestly never heard her say a really unkind word about anyone. She loves her family and they know it. She is generous to a fault. They have lived in the same home for 70 years. It is in Provo. It is a little home but there is a warmth there that could only come from the spirit. She has always helped everyone. She used to drive people in her ward to the doctor when she was 30 years older than them. She has lost her eyesight now, but her mind is sharper than mine and probably most other people. I have always felt her complete support. She fights for her family. That is when the fire comes out of her. I love her!
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