Here is the new picture of Dennis and I. The only photoshopping we did was take the freckles off my arms. It is sad I have so many. Dennis also had us fix his chin. Sad we are so old. I didn't have to fix my chin because it was hidden. It is interesting getting older. I feel like I am 20 inside, but I am 65. I can remember my Grandmother telling me that when she was in her 90's and I though that cannot be possible. I just hope even though I feel younger, I am more mature than I was in my 20s. I was thinking of the things that made me feel really good this week. Riding my bike, the few beautiful spring days we have had, my cute grandkids, Jessica getting better each day, my talks as I walk with my friend Vickie, Jeremy and Trixy getting their new house, Josh and his family getting their new car, getting my body downstairs and cleaning the downstairs, my new red swing in my swing set, eating crab and steak tonight at home with Dennis, getting to not set my alarm tonight, and I could go on and on. I won't say what made me feel sad this week, because I am just going to forget any stressful stuff.